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Map Context Menu

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Map Context menu provides information about selected object on the map. It can also be used to build a route to a selected location.

In order to open Context menu you should tap the object on the Map. There are two types of map contet menu: selecting an object - by short tap, selecting any precise point on the map - by long-tap.

Select an object (short tap)​

Context menu will appear when you short tap on the marked object on the Map. In this case context menu provides you the information of the object name & icon (how it is marked on the map), address, distance and direction from your current position. By this method you can select POI, Favorite, Transport stop, Marker or Map Object.

NOTE. Selectable map objects are OpenStreetMap node or way.

Context menu Android

Select any point (long-tap)​

Context menu will appear when you hold at any point on the Map with long-tap. In this case context menu provides you the information of geographical point address, distance and direction from your current position.

![Context menu long_tap_Android](@site/static/img/map/map_context_menu_long_tap_android.png)

Select route​

Short tap a GPX-track on the map opens Context track menu.

Context track menu Android

Hide context menu​

To hide the context menu:

  • Click on any empty place (to not open menu once again) on the map
  • Drag down by the top of menu


In order to gain more details about object you need to click on the "Details" button in the Context menu or move the panel up.

Context menu Android

Object info​

This panel includes additional information about the object. This info could be copied to the buffer by tap it. Additional information about object includes:

Alternative names​

⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

OsmAnd displays additional names of POIs in Map context menu. First is shown the name in the display language or from system list of preferred languages, alternative names are displayed in the drop-down menu.

Alternative names Android 1 Alternative names Android


In the Context menu, you can find geographical coordinates of a point in various formats and also shareable OsmAnd and OpenStreetMap Links (the last option is available only when the OpenStreetMap editing plugin is enabled). If you expand coordinates section and long-tap any line from the list, its values will be automatically copied to the clipboard (Android) or the Copy option becomes available in the pop-up message (iOS).

Coordinates format
DDD.DDDDD (Plain Decimal Degress)
DDD.DDDDD (N/S, E/W comma)
UTM Standard
Open Location Code
Swiss Grid CH1903 and CH1903+
OsmAnd Web Link
OpenStreetMap Web Link

OsmAnd Web Link can be automatically recognized by OsmAnd (example:,13.37771#15/52.51628/13.37771). Both OsmAnd and Openstreetmap links are opened on corresponding sites with a pin mark to the place of interest.

Nearby POIs/ Wikipedia​

These sections displays nearby Wikipedia articles or Points of Interest with 'Show on map' and 'Search more…' to display and search all other POI & Wikipedia articles.

Clicking to 'Nearby POIs/ Wikipedia articles' opens a points list (Wikipedia and POIs). A tap to one of these points from a point list moves the map to this point (POI or Wikipedia) with the opening point Map Context menu.

NOTE. Nearby Wikipedia articles will appear only if you previously downloaded special maps with Wikipedia articles for this area.

Nearby Wikipedia articles Nearby Wikipedia articles

Public Transport Routes​

Shown info about Public transport routes for chosen Transport stop. Information about Public transport Context menu and actions with it read here.

Public transport Routes Android

Favorites / Track Points from the group​

This is a list of all points in one group for a Favorite or Waypoint. By clicking, the entire list of points of one group expands, when clicking on a point from the list, the map moves to the selected point.

Favorite list Favorite list full

Article description​

This part contains a part of the description from Wikipedia article, Favorite or Waypoint description, by clicking you can open full description.

Description list

OpenStreetMap link provides direct link to the OpenStreetMap object where you can find complete information about it ( or

OSM link OSM link

Online photos​

In Online photos (iOS Images nearby) section of map context menu, you can view POI photos from various web sources. Such as Mapillary - provides the best and the closest photos from Street-Level view, Wikimedia - displays images from OpenStreetMap with tags image, wikimedia.
You can swipe photos to the left to see more items. Tap the image to open it in full size or browse street level photos on the map.

Images nearby context menu Android

* Audio/Video Note​

⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

You can find additional information about Audio / Video notes in Details Menu and buttons (Delete, Play, Show) in Context menu.

For Image notes in the Details Menu an image is displayed; when you click on the image it opens in the editor. There is information about the date and the time when note was made. In the Context menu, there are 'Show' and 'Delete' buttons to open an image in the editor or delete it.

Image list Video list


It is a set of specific manipulations that can be performed on a point or object. This menu is split into two parts: visible section consists of maximum 3 actions and other actions are accessible by 'Actions' button. You can customize (Android) the order of actions in General settings.

Actions menu Android Actions additional menu Android

Add / Edit Favorite​

Add Edit favorite action Android

In the context menu there are options to add or to edit the selected point / object to the favorites list.

  • In order to add, you need to select a point / object, click on the 'Star' icon (with signature Add) and enter all the necessary information.

  • In order to edit information about favorite point you need to turn on 'Show on the map' (Menu β†’ Me places β†’ Favorites) then press on it and in the Context menu instead of 'Star' icon will appear 'Pancil icon' (with signature Edit).

  • Add or edit favorite - adds a selected point to the favorites list.

Add / Edit Marker​

Add Edit marker action Android Pass marker action Android

It is possible to mark a point or an object in order to make it easier to plan navigation. You just need to click on the 'flag' icon in the menu (Android), 'arrow' (iOS) - displays direction and distance to the selected point from your current location.


  • Marker / Edit map marker - puts a new marker on the selected point.
  • Mark passed (Android) / Dismiss (iOS) - deactivates marker and puts it to the History.
  • Make active (Android) - moves marker to the top position (on the top panel).
  • Restore marker (Android) - moves marker from History to active list.

Read more about markers.


Versions up to Android 1414+ Android
Share action AndroidShare action Android

The OsmAnd app allows you to Share My Location or any selected location on the map with messenger, emails, or social media.

Available options to share the location:

  • Send. Sends text through apps available on your device. Includes all information about the location: My location name or the name of the selected POI, address, coordinates, and geo location as a link.
  • Copy. Copies all location information (My location name or name of the selected POI, address, coordinates, and geo location as a link) to the clipboard.
  • Copy address. Copies only address information to the clipboard.
  • Copy POI name. Copies only POI name or address if there is no name to the clipboard.
  • Copy coordinates. Copies only coordinates information to the clipboard.
  • geo. Opens a list of available applications that support geo-locations.
  • QR-code (Android). Generates a link to the selected location in a QR code.

Directions To / From​

Directions Android

Multiple Directions Android

In order to start navigation or route planning, you need to select destination first with Directions. In case you already have a destination point, the menu will suggest you to replace the destnation point or to insert as another intermediate or start point.

It is also possible to select 'From' Destination first via Map context menu (Directions from).

NOTE. If you tap Start navigation - From point will be discarded as application enters in Navigation mode. In order to preserve a route, don't click "Start navigation" and swipe down "Route preparation" menu.

Read more about navigation.

Search nearby​

Search action Android

With this context menu action it is possible to search around specific location on the map. Read more about search functionality.

Avoid road​

Using Map context menu, you can add a specific road to the list of non-used for routing roads. That will affect Route preparation.
To delete previosly selected roads from Avoid roads list tap a sign, choose Remove (Android) or Dismiss (iOS).

Avoid road on the map Android Dismiss avoided road Android


Avoid roads function is global and affects all Routing types (except Online routing).

Change object position​

Action Change position Android

Action Change position UI Android

Almost every created object by user is moveable i.e. Marker, Favorite, Created POI, Audio/Video Note or Track Waypoint. First select an object on the map and then use Change marker position menu to move it to a new location.

Plan a route​

Action Plan a route Android

You can start a route planning from a selected point via object context menu.

Read more about 'Plan a route' tool.

Update / Download Online Maps​

To update or download online maps (tiles) at specific location, you can use object context menu:
Android: Download map and for Update go to: Menu β†’ Maps & Resources β†’ Updates.
Please refer to full instruction.

Action Download online map Android

Update / Download Vector Maps​

Action Download vector map Android

Select vector map worldwide on Android

In case there is no offline map present at selected location, for example map object menu was opened via Search or via specific Favorite, then the smallest possible offline map will be suggested to download.

iOS: If you already have downloaded OsmAnd maps (vector or terrain), it is possible to updated them via context menu. You will need to select the region on the map first - click on any location on worldwide zoom 3-7.

NOTE: if you have opened context menu for map region (region is higlighted), you will be able to see Details about it: type and size of a available map, link to a wikipedia page, language, population and other.

* Add / Delete Parking point​

Action Parking Android

Action Delete Parking Android

Any selected location on the map could be marked as a parking position. In order to delete parking position, you can open context menu associated with parking location.

Requires Parking position plugin.

* Add / Edit Track waypoint​

Action Waypoint Android

Select Track to add Waypoint Android

You can add waypoints to a recorded track or to the current track recording using the Map Context Menu.

  • Select a location on the map with a long-tap.
  • In the Map Context Menu that opens, choose Actions β†’ Add track waypoint.
  • The list displays the tracks recorded and shown on the map, as well as the current track recording, to which you can add the selected waypoint.
  • You can add waypoints to a track that is not yet active for recording, in which case the inactive track switches from the Start state to the Resume state.
  • Fill in the required data and save the waypoint.
  • You can configure the Quick Actions by adding a waypoint to the Add track waypoint.

Requires Trip recording plugin.

* Create / Modify POI​

Action POI Android

With OSM Editing plugin, you can create and modify most of the POIs present on OpenStreetMap.

Β Create POI - creates a new POI at selected location.

Β Modify POI - modifies selected POI.

Requires OSM Editing plugin.

* Open OSM Note​

Action Note Android

Action Add Note Android

You can report map data errors at specific location to OpenStreetMap community. Please follow guidelines and add proper comments to an issue.

Requires OSM Editing plugin.

* Comment / Close OSM Note​

Comment OSM Note Android Reopen OSM Note Android

You can comment, resolve and reopen OpenStreetMap Notes via objects context menu.

Requires OSM Editing plugin.

* Upload POI / OSM Note​

Upload POI Android Upload OSM Note Android

In case you use 'Offline mode' to add / edit POI or OSM Note, you will need to upload the changes to OpenStreetMap. By default 'Offline mode' is on to avoid accidental changes of public database. You can upload or delete change via created object context menu.

Requires OSM Editing plugin.

* Record AV Note​

⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

Action Audio-Video Android

Records or takes a media note at selected point on the map.

  • Β Take an audio note - makes a audio note on selected point (creates new point on the overlay with audio icon).
  • Β Take a video note - makes a video note on selected point (creates new point on the overlay with video icon).
  • Β Take a photo - makes a photo point on the map.

Requires Audio / Video note plugin.


⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

You can change the order or hide items from the Actions menu in the Map context menu. A total of 16 actions are suggested.

  • You can move the three most useful actions to the top of the Main actions list.
  • The rest of the menu can be customized for each profile separately in the Additional actions and Hidden sections.

Available types of actions:

  • Main actions - The section has only 4 buttons, three of which can be customized, and Actions, which remains unchanged.
  • Additional actions - You can access these actions by tapping the Actions button.
  • Hidden - Moving actions to this section does not stop them from working. They just don't appear in the Actions menu.

Menu β†’ Configure profile β†’ UI Customization β†’ Context menu actions

Map context menu Customize Map context menu Customize Map context menu Customize

This article was last updated in January 2023